
Student Career Counseling, Colleges & Career Paths: with a side of Speghatti Sauce

There are several pros and cons of high schools and colleges trying to factor prediction about future wages into student career counseling. Several pros of high schools are they can help students decide on the type of college they wish to pursue after they graduate high school. On the other hand, college student career counseling can help guide students through college on academic and career level. However, there are several cons to student career counseling of high schools and colleges. When high schools and colleges try to make predictions about future wages can have several bad outcomes. For one, the overall salary for student career counseling pays less than your traditional teacher. However, for those who have a college degree tend to be paid more. What can potentially benefit students is finding the right career for them with guidance. When they are given guidance they are able to succeed and with some college education will be paid more than minimum wage.

When students are trying to predict the future outcome of jobs and wages they need to look at the overall picture; the economy and job growth rates. Some of the sources today that predicts job growth rate and salary pay are not always accurate. The best way to look at it is what is in demand and watch the market on a particular area of interest for your career field and see the supply and demand works for that career. If you’re seeing a decline in that job doesn’t mean you won’t be able to achieve it or be able to have that career. Companies may just be laying off employees or the economy may be in decline. When high schools and colleges try to look too far ahead for future earnings’ prospects of various jobs changes. High schools and colleges may give incorrect information to the students that looking for a money making the career over having a good career but doesn’t pay that much. When the student discovers they were given inaccurate information from the high school or college it can lead to the student feeling overwhelmed, upset, and angry. Potentially for giving inaccurate information can lead to a lawsuit as well. 

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