
Getting Traffic and Learning How to Create a Pin on Pinterest

One of the first things you want to do is follow boards, groups, individuals, and companies. Then start creating boards of your own and creating pins so everyone can enjoy your work! Below are just 8 simple steps on how to follow a board and create your own pin that will help increase your traffic to your boards, sites, and more! Enjoy!

Step 1: Search within Pinterest for a board, groups, individuals, and companies 

Step 2: Follow the boards, groups, individuals, and companies of your choosing (If you follow them, they will follow you)

Step 3: Go to your homepage on Pinterest ( Then click on one your boards and you will see a box that says Add A Pin. Click on it. You will then be prompted to add a pin from either The Web or Your Device. (If you have a blog and/or personal website you want to choose “The Web”).

Step 4: Go to your blog or website address; find the single article relating to your pin (normally 1 topic only). Copy the URL (CRTL + C) from the address bar.

Step 5: Then go back to Pinterest and add the URL to the box provided

Step 6: Once Pinterest recognizes the URL the “Next” box will light up red. Which enable you to click Next.

Step 7: Choose an Image to Create the Pin, If the website does not have an image it will not let you Pin It you have to either add an image to the pin or put one on your website. Click on an image that suits your pin.

Step 8: You can then add a description to your pin and pick a board for the pin to go under. Once the description is in and you know the board you wish to pin it to simply click the Pin it icon. You’re all set! Keep your pins creative and description short and to the point to attract more viewers to your site.


  1. Thank you Amy. I am sure going to give this a try.

  2. You're Welcome :) If you have any issues along the way your welcome to reach out to me.


